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Dry Stone Walls Constructions, Sicily And Malta

The construction of stone walls, also known as dry stone walls, has been an art for centuries. Stone walls represent the first example of human handicraft and can be found in all cultures of the world. They are, in fact, man’s first attempt to adapt the environment to their needs through the construction of shelter from the elements as well as the building of walls to mark territory.

Construction of Raw Stone Pools
Realizzazione Muri a Secco in Sicilia

Dry Stone Walls: an Ancient Art

The stone walls are built without mortar and plaster. Rather, they are built by placing pieces of limestone, carved ad hoc, one over the other according to the teachings of the ancient craftsmen. Even today, the dry stone walls are not only used to mark territorial borders but also they are very effective in the prevention of landslides.

Passion, Commitment and Experience

Despite the fact that thousands of years have passed from the initial construction of dry stone walls, their construction still requires passion, hard work, talent and experience.
Each stone must be well chosen and the wall built with care and skill so as to create a beautiful mosaic while making sure the wall is structually sound.
Ricostruzione e Restauro Muri a Secco in Sicilia

Non only dry stone walls: other stone works

In addition to the construction of dry stone walls, the rough stones can be used for various purposes: floors, pillars, benches, tables, wells, fountains and ovens.

Edificio in Muro a Secco
Fontanella in Pietra Grezza
Muro di Cinta in Pietra Grezza
Scala in Pietra Grezza